Release notes 09-11-2020
Implementation date ACC: 05-11-2020
Implementation date PRD: 09-11-2020
Breaking changes
Segments and subsegments
When posting a course, it is not possible anymore to indicate the segment and subsegment on the course document. Instead, you will have to use the POST product subsegment call We are likely to change this in the coming sprints, where you will be able to indicate the subsegment (and thus the segment) on the course document.
Deployment date ACC: 5-11-2020
Deployment date PRD: 9-11-2020
POST course calculate price
Functionality has been added where the Provider could be VAT exempt, as well as the account. To make clear in the POST course calculate price endpoint that you are only influencing the account setting we added a property called "AccountVatExempt". We'll remove the current "vatExempt" property on the dates below so please make sure you convert to the new "AccountVatExempt" property before.
Deployment date ACC: 5-11-2020
Deployment date PRD: 9-11-2020
POST order statustransitions
The{id}/statustransitions endpoint is marked as deprecated for a long time. We are going to remove it completely. Please switch to the endpoint if you haven't done so already
Deployment date ACC: 5-11-2020
Deployment date PRD: 9-11-2020
We added links to enumerations on our APIM documentation pages, where relevant